May 05, 2016 · Instagram is the biggest photo sharing social media platform, users daily upload 100’s of photos to share it with your friends and families. Sometimes we need to delete multiple photos, but as you know that we can only delete single photo at a time means you have to delete photos one by one, but what if you can delete multiple photos you want to know how ?

7 Instagram Fails and How to Avoid Them - Later Blog Using a free tool like Later to schedule your Instagram posts in advance can help you can boost your engagement, drive traffic, and gain new followers and customers!. Instagram Fails #3: Posting Low-Quality Photos. Instagram is all about the visuals. Needless to say, if you post blurry or otherwise bad photos, don’t expect to gain much of a following. Why I deleted the Instagram app — and you should think Instagram has never been my favorite app, perhaps because I love reading words more than staring at photos. But beyond that core element, it's continued to be the bane of my existence — at least How to Delete a Photo from Your Instagram Story Instagram’s Story feature is great, but like with all Story features, it’s easy to let muscle memory take over and accidentally share a photo with everyone who follows you rather than the person you meant to send it to. I’ve made this mistake more than once. Most of the time, all that anyone will see is a weirdly out of context photo, but sometimes, things can be a bit more sensitive.

How to delete messages on Instagram

How to Delete Tagged Photos. Tagged photos on Instagram works in the same way as on Facebook. Therefore, tagged posts on IG will also appear on your own profile. If you want to delete photos on your profile just because you’re tagged in them, you can simply untag yourself to remove the posts from your profile (again, just like in Facebook).

How to Clean Up Your Old Posts on Twitter, Facebook, and These tips and tools will help you scrub your social media profiles clean, or give you a fresh start without giving up your username and followers. To delete a photo or video that you've posted, tap (iPhone) or (Android) above your post and then tap Delete. Tap Delete again to confirm. You can also archive posts to hide them from your profile and make it so your followers and other people on Instagram can't see it. When you archive a post, it keeps all its likes and comments. May 29, 2020 · There is one workaround that does the trick. There are also third-party apps that do the trick. Thankfully, some app developers have stepped up to the plate, which gives you some good choices to delete all Instagram photos. Option #1: Instagram Image Deletion Workaround When you delete your Instagram account, your profile, photos, videos, comments, likes and followers will be permanently removed. To delete your account, first log into on the web.