2020-7-20 · North Korean hackers with ties to Lazarus Group have pivoted to skimming online shopping platforms in recent months, following in the footsteps of the Magecart hacking collective. Security researchers have found links between recent global skimming activity and previously documented North Korean hacking operations, particularly cyber criminals linked with the group known as Lazarus, or …

Inside the 'Surprisingly Great' North Korean Hacker Hotel 2017-7-12 · Inside the 'Surprisingly Great' North Korean Hacker Hotel Sleep Tight North Korea is so isolated that rather than bring the Internet to its hackers, it brings them to it—in a swank hotel in China. Defectors: PUST is training North Korean hackers Not for the first time, the Pyongyang University of Science and Technology, a showpiece for academic engagement between North Korea and the Outer Earth, stands accused of teaching its elite students to work as hackers in Kim Jong-Un's notorious cyberwarfare units. North Korea is reportedly recruiting graduates from Pyongyang University of Science and Technology for cyber warfare. North Korean

North Korean Hackers Attack Upbit Users in South Korea

New Study Reveals That North Korean Hackers Are Focusing

2018-2-7 · Jong wasn’t involved in those attacks, but for half a decade before defecting, he was a foot soldier in North Korea’s hacker army. Unlike their counterparts elsewhere, who might seek to expose

2020-7-23 · North Korean hackers have leaned heavily on cybercrime to bring money into the reclusive regime for years. The country’s state-sponsored advanced persistent threat (APT) groups have been implicated in ransomware, attacks on ATMs and theft of cryptocurrency funds among other schemes that have pulled in a collective $2 billion.A new study from Dutch cybersecurity firm SanSec indicates that … U.S. charges North Korean hacker in Sony, WannaCry The U.S. government on Thursday charged and sanctioned a North Korean man in the 2017 global WannaCry ransomware cyberattack and the 2014 cyberassault on Sony Corp <6758.T> , … North Korean Hackers Attack Upbit Users in South Korea North Korean hackers have made a phishing attempt on users of the South Korean crypto exchange Upbit. News correspondents in Korea broke this development on May 29, 2019, detailing the ploy to steal Upbit users’ information. The hackers sent out an email claiming that Upbit users needed to submit more information to become eligible for a prize drawing. North Korean hackers stealing online shoppers' data in US 2020-7-7 · North Korean hackers stealing online shoppers' data in US, Europe This type of fraud has been growing since 2015 and was traditionally dominated by Russian and Indonesian-speaking hacker …