Google Answers: LDAP VS CA-based PKI

2019-1-2 · Google™ recently announced how to support LDAP with Google Cloud Identity.Google’s aim with building this capability is to expand the usefulness of their cloud identities and enable them to authenticate to LDAP-based applications in addition to G Suite™, GCP, and other Google services. Ldapwiki: LDAP Overview# LDAP is an Abbreviation of Lightweight Directory Access Protocol which is a Protocol.. However, most of our references will use LDAP LDAP or LDAP is a protocol that may be used to communicate with a DSA.. LDAP is an open standard that uses the Basic Encoding Rules (Basic Encoding Rules) subset of ASN.1 to encode communication for each LDAP Message. Directory API | Google Developers 2019-1-9 · The Directory API lets you perform administrative operations on users, groups, organizational units, and devices in your account. OpenLDAP 2.4.45 发布,开源 LDAP 实现 - …

如何使用 Google Apps Directory Sync 工具将 …

LDAP搜索中的CN、OU、DC是什么? - 问答 - 云+ … 2018-1-27 · 我有这样的LDAP搜索查询结果。究竟什么意思? ("CN=Dev-India,OU=Distribution Groups,DC=gp,DC=gl,DC=google,DC=com"); 什么是CN,OU,DC?从RFC 2253: 查询中的字符串意味着什么?字符串("CN=Dev-India,OU=Distribution Groups,DC=gp,DC=gl,DC=google,DC=com")是从层次结构(二)DIT=目录信息树),并应从右(根)左转(叶)

LDAP概念和原理介绍 - WilburXu - 博客园

2016-10-22 · ldap + kerberos + google authentication 实现两步验证 第一步:ldap + kerberos 整合 ,参考之前的文章 第二步:google authentication 安装配置,参考之前的文章 第三步:整合 ldap + kerberos + google authentication 1. 由于sshd默认在使用了秘钥或者 Google Cloud Directory Sync